
Adopt a Musician

By adopting a musician, you become an instrumental part of the CSO’s artistic success!

As an adopter:

  • Your adopted chair (or podium) will be adorned with a red band for one concert season
  • Your name will appear under your adopted musician’s name in the concert program
  • You will be invited on a backstage tour to take a look behind the scenes
  • You will be invited to an exclusive “Meet the Musicians” event

To adopt a musician, please call our office at 307-778-8561 or click on the button below.

Thank you so much to the individuals who have adopted musicians for the 2024-2025 season!


$5,000 ($2,500/$2,500)

William Intriligator* – Dr. Rick Davis / The Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation



Stacy Lesartre* – Drs. Sandra Surbrugg & Robert Prentice



Thomas Bittinger
Colin Constance* – Robert & Barbara Ruegge
Melanie Fisher* – Suzanne & Jack Preiss
Ernie Glock
Alan Harvey* – Dorothy  Middleton
Tonya Jilling* – Ms. Myra Monfort & Dr. William Runyan
Jennifer Lyford
Derek McDonald* – David Shaner Memorial Chair
John Neurohr
James Przygocki* – Anna Marie & Sloan Hales
Ysmael Reyes
Derek Sawyer* – Anonymous
Ben Shafer* – In memory of Susan Jacobson
Eva Toncheva
Kellan Toohey* – Dr. JJ Chen
Beth Vanderborgh* – In memory of Col. Bob and Gayle Emmons



Benjamin Hornacek
Becky Kutz Osterburg* – Lucie & Harry Osborn
Leslie Stewart* – Hans & Carolyn Ritschard



Garrett Aman
Ryann Aery
Natascha Bastian
Kristen Beeman* – Renee Middleton
Max Braun* – In memory of Susan Jacobson
Patrick Cavanaugh* – Liz and Greg Luce
Glesse Collet
Kathryn Eagles
Sonja Eiesland
Ana Fairchild
Stephanie Flores Guerrero
Leslie Fox
Elizabeth Furuiye*– Anonymous
Stephanie Garvey
Sarah Avery Guyver
Russell Guyver
Mary Kiesling* – Anna Marie & Sloan Hales
Yi-Ching Lee
Randel Leung* – Tracie Caller
Sabrina Romney Lloyd
Summer Lusk
Cristian Mazo* – Big Bird Landscaping, LLC
Sarah McCoy* – Anonymous
Kurt Melendy
Romina Monsanto
Jessica Rosado
Ian Sawyer* – Thomas & Julie Brantley
Ashley Schnell* – Kevin Rice
Jenny Shea
Em Smith
Jennifer Swanson* – In memory of Susan Jacobson
Julie Swanty
Suzy Wagner* – Carol & Phillip Velez
Daniel Watt* – Anonymous
David Wharton* – Edward L.Galavotti
Jaylene Willhite
Sarah Zhukenova* – In memory of Susan Jacobson

*Indicates musicians who have already been adopted.