
Annual Fund

We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to the following individuals for supporting the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra’s 2024-2025 Season:

Platinum Baton


Drs. Robert Prentice and Sandra Surbrugg

Gold Baton



Bronze Baton


Jane Iverson

Maestro’s Circle


Mr. Gregory C. Dyekman
Hughes Charitable Foundation
The Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation

President’s Circle


Victoria Carter
Quality Electric
Michael and Tricia Genho
Jenileah Hallingbye
Stan and Mary Hartman
Timothy Joannides
Richard Kean
Lindi Kirkbride
Dorothy Middleton
Mrs. Ann Adragna Norwood
Harry and Lucie Osborn
Dixie and Tom Roberts
Robert and Barbara Ruegge
Lynn Simons
Roger and Carol Smalley
Toni Thomson
Sharon R. Tighe



George and Kay Barnes
Robert McIntosh Boice, Jr.
Amy Brown
Bud and Claire Davis
Mick and Margi Finnegan
Krista Gallardo
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert
Mary Guthrie
Kevin and Darcey Harris
Bonnie and Donald Harrison
Pete and Chloe Illoway
Amy Gruber and Jim Johnson
David and Pat Johnson
Jeannine E. and Harris Jones
Diane Dieter and Theodore Jones
Mike and Lana Mabee
Thomas and Starla Mason
Renée Middleton
Richard and Diane Morrison
Marguerite Herman and George Powers
Peter and Anna Ruble
Jess Ryan and Danielle Jensen-Ryan
Denise and Hugh Simpson
Becky and Jeff Tish
Fredrik Tolin
Squy and Bea Wallace
James and Paula Willms
Robert and Karen Womack
Thane Yennie
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Young



Sherron Abernethy
Joan Anderson
Shaina Case
Connie Sloan-Cathcart
Patsy Dyekman
Robert Elwell
Wallace Erickson
Mary Goehring
William and Kristen Jones
Bob and Charla Nelson
Kurt and Diane Nyffler
Michael and Peggy Pruter
Andrew Rose
Michael and Carla Schmid
Kathy Selden
Charles and Susan Seniawski
The Rudd Family Charitable Fund



Michelle and Andy Aldrich
Sean Ambrose
Renee Ashworth
Dershie Barber
William Beeman
Robert and Judy Bezek
Jason and Phyllis Bloomberg, In Memory of Alan Kirkbride and Dr. Harlan Ribnik
Ethelyn Boak
Beth Bollinger
Chuck Brannan
Natalie Brown
Jerry and Connie Calkins
George and Yoshiko Cardon
Jerry and Kathy Carlson
Eileen Dinneen
Jim and Ray Dinneen
Bill and Beth Edwards
Kristi Wallin and Rick Ewig
En Avant Dance Studio
Krista and Nestor Gallardo
Emily Gayle
Joanne Gostas
Drake Guerra
Joanne M. Harnit, Lt. Col., USAF
Hon. Gary and Betsy Hartman
David and Carey Hartmann
Kevin Heyborne
Paul Hickey
Beth Howard
Thomas and Tammy Hudson
William Intrilligator
Lynne Ipina
Michele Jensen
Kristy and Justin Johnson
Linda Johnson
Mary Kiesling
David Kilpatrick
Dianne Kirkbride
Hannah Kirkbride Kraner and Thomas Kraner
Karol Krug
Victor and Anita Lisek
Jill Lovato
Kathie Lowry
Ceara Madson
Carol Mathia
Amy and Scott Meier
Larry Meuli
Paul and Lynn Montoya
Dr. Swede Nelson
Alice M. Newsome
Denise Newell
Mrs. Irene Oakes
Linda Patterson
Angela Parks
Stephanie Pickering
Cady Purcell
Lindsey Reynolds
Hans and Carolyn Ritschard
Barbara and John Rogers
Mary Jo Rugwell
Kathleen Scheurman
Steve and Christine Schmerge
Jessica Schneider
Craig and Judith Schulz
Alex and Todd Scranton
Martha Silver
Pete Sokolosky
Jeanne Surbrugg
Leonard Swanson
Shala Swarm
Betsy Taggart
Julia Tarver
Barbara Tyrrell
Peaches Tyrrell
Kristine and Levi Van Kirk
Jaye and Jenny Wacker
Tenacity Bricher-Wade
Dan and Diane White
Roger and Ann White
Janie and Rick Wilcox
Dale and Claudia Wilen
Janet L. Williams
Russell and Barbara Williams
Dan and Kerri Young

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