Supporting the CSO through hospitality, fundraising & outreach
Who are Symphony Friends? What do they do?
The answers are as diverse as the CSO’s audience. But on its simplest level, the “Friends” are CSO volunteers who contribute their time, talent and energy to promote the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra.
The Friends focus on outreach and hospitality by welcoming guests at each concert and fielding questions from newcomers about upcoming events. We bake cookies, house musicians during winter storms and provide transportation for guest artists.
The Friends began hosting annual fundraisers a few years ago. You may have joined us for a French-inspired wine-tasting event, an Italian-inspired meal and wines, a Battle Carbonara with Maestro lntriligator and guest Italian violinist Dino De Palma competing to see whose version of the traditional Italian favorite our guests preferred, Hemingwayinspired cocktails and appetizers at the Atlas Theatre accompanied by a unique presentation by Hemingway scholar and author, Phillip Greene, or most recently “Tunes, Taps, and Apps”, an appetizer and beer pairing event featuring local breweries.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in volunteer work on behalf of the Cheyenne Symphony. The Friends meet on the last Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm at the CSO office and via Zoom. To join, or for more information, check out our Facebook page and our page on the CSO website, or call the office during business hours, at 307-778-8561.
Symphony Friends
Terry Ball
Chuck & Julia Burke
Denise Dijkstal
Mick Finnegan* – President
Mary Guthrie
Anna Marie Hales*
Natalie Hales
Linda Johnson
Debbie McCann
Judy Moss
Toma Nisbet
Sharon Novick
Kathy Muller Ogle
Lucie Osborn*
Anne Ritschard
Carolyn Ritschard*
Toni Rogers
Barbara & Robert Ruegge
Kathy Selden
Betty Ann Shaffer
Patricia Swan
Buddy Tennant
Liane Terrill, Secretary
Sharon Tighe
La Velle Van Voast
Carol Velez
Kathy Vialpando
* Denotes Board Liaison